What is the Patient Participation Group?
A group of volunteers working with the GP Practice to improve the services to patients, and to provide the patients' perspective.
What does it involve?
GP Practices and PPGs work in a variety of ways depending on local circumstances. Most have PPG meetings to discuss issues affecting your Practice, and helping it to provide the best service it can.
The aim is to help patients to get the best service, from their Practice and, just as importantly, for the Practice to respond to patients' ideas and needs.
How does it work?
A small steering group consisting of volunteers, a lead GP and programmes from Public Health Events. Events topics are chosen from suggestions which emerge from group members and the Surgery team. Events are public meeting of the PPG and patients. They are designed to present, discuss and exhange views on topical concerns to patients and the Surgery alike.
Any adult patient on the Register is welcome to participate in the PPG activities.
What else may the PPG do?
- Help with Patient Clinics from time to time
- Conduct Patient Surveys
- Organise Patient Health Evening
- Produce a PPG Newsletter
- Be represented at National PPG Events and Seminars
Not all the above are obligatory, but even the smallest input is of great value.
How to get involved?
Speak to reception or your GP for an application form.